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Professional Development Offered Across Multiple Literacies

Professional Development Offered Across Multiple Literacies

Throughout our history and particularly last year, we focused on meeting the needs of our member agencies and partners through relevant professional development workshops. In the last fiscal year, WL and WHL provided nearly 150 professional development events and trainings designed to help members’ staff and volunteers better deliver literacy services.

These workshops were offered after listening to member feedback and reviewing trends in adult education. Areas of interest included:

  • digital literacy
  • digital health literacy
  • English Language Learners (ELL)
  • health literacy
  • workplace literacy

We also recognize how valuable it is for our members to come together, in person and virtually, to ask questions, share best practices and resources. A priority every year is to offer numerous networking opportunities, to bring together agencies of similar size, location and/or delivery model. Knowledge is power – we strive to strengthen and build capacity for all our 70+ member agencies.