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Marketing and Public Relations

Social Media

In 2018, the Pew Research Center found 72% of online adults use social networking sites. Social media sites reach not only potential volunteers and donors, but also potential learners.

Social media can help your agency:

  • recruit volunteers, learners and donors
  • share your mission and vision with the community
  • connect with organizations that have similar missions
  • raise awareness around literacy 
  • reach a larger audience when you like and comment on other organizations’ posts

How can social media help us connect with learners?

Research shows that participating in social media can help learners:

  • develop a more positive attitude toward writing. 
  • create a social network for learners with 1-to1 tutors. 
  • build community in a group class.

Share success stories on social media (with learner permission) to recruit more learners.

How can social media help us connect with volunteers?

Social media can help you maintain a relationship with volunteers, especially with those who volunteer offsite.  Social media offers:

  • professional development (webinars, blogs, discussion forums). 
  • a quick and easy way to show appreciation to volunteers.

How can social media help us connect with donors?

Social media has changed the face of fundraising. Carefully considered social media appeals that tells compelling stories can be very successful. 

  • Write appeals specific to the needs of your organization.
  • Include high visibility influencers to plan and deploy your social media campaign. 
  • Post success stories to share your agency’s impact (with learner permission).
  • When appropriate, show appreciation to donors and motivate others to give.

Do I need a social media policy?

Yes.  Ensure consistent messaging with a social media policy that provides clear guidelines to employees and volunteers.  

What should we include in a social media policy?

This depends on the character of your organization. 

Some agencies have very specific guidelines governing content and time of posts, depending on the networking site. 

Other agencies offer general parameters, but allow volunteers and staff to make most decisions around their posts.

Make sure your policy is consistent with your organization’s vision and values.  Your social media sites are an extension of your agency and they reflect your core values.


Pew Research Center Fact Sheet

The Three As for Social Media

Social Media Policy Information and Sample Policies