Greg Coleman

Greg Coleman began his educational career in the Milwaukee Public Schools District in 1997 as a third-grade teacher at Clement J. Zablocki Elementary School. Greg spent 19 years teaching grades 3 to 5 in the district at Zablocki, George Washington Carver Academy, and Stuart Elementary before accepting his first school administrator position at Morse Middle School for the Gifted and Talented. In 2019, he returned to Zablocki Elementary Community School as building principal.
Greg received a BS in elementary education from North Dakota State University and went on to earn his MS in administrative leadership at the UW-Milwaukee. His experiences enabled him to collaborate with a diverse group of people to meet the common goal of increasing student achievement and well-being. His educational philosophy is based on his belief that all students can learn, given a positive learning environment, strong and knowledgeable leadership, a committed and focused educational team, an encouraging community, and a supportive family.
He is the proud father of two wonderful children who keep him grounded and focused on the important things in life.