Journey Through Literacy
Thank you for your time, participation, and support. We hope you enjoyed taking the "Journey Through Literacy."
Literacy touches every aspect of daily life. This foundational skill makes a profound difference and can lead to a better future for generations to come.
Together, we can strengthen literacy statewide.
Special thanks to event sponsor New Glarus Brewing Company.

“Journey to America”
Tami McLaughlin, Director of World Relief Fox Valley, and Bernadette Muhongayire take you on a journey of the refugee. Bernadette shares her experience in the refugee camp, where she worked for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the process she and her family completed prior to arriving in the United States. Tami shares what their initial welcome and resettlement experience involves.
World Relief Fox Valley is one of four resettlement agencies in the State of Wisconsin and works in the Appleton/Oshkosh areas.
Watch Video: https://youtu.be/zMwjSrAPBuc
"Language Immersion Experience"
We canceled the “Language Immersion Experience” after concerns about cultural appropriation and representation were raised. Although the intent was a language immersion experience (a common tutor training practice) and not a simulation of a refugee experience, we understand the potential impact and decided to reconsider the activity.
We are grateful it was brought to our attention so we could learn.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns at info@wisconsinliteracy.org.
“Speak Up About Literacy”
Monday, September 13 at 12:00-12:30 PM
We will engage two state representatives - Representative Amy Loudenbeck (District 31) and Senator LaTonya Johnson (District 6) - in a conversation about advocacy and how easy it is to reach out to your legislator.
- Why you should reach out to your legislator.
- Ways you can reach out to your legislator.
- How to set up a literacy program visit with your legislator.
Watch video: https://youtu.be/hArFnAPHn54
"Literacy at Work"
Do you have English language workers at your company who could benefit from English classes?
Paula Hernandez, Human Resources and Payroll Manager, wanted to make a difference for the English language workers at Eden-Valders Stone, a quarry in Fond du Lac County.
In 2018, she approached Fond du Lac Literacy Services (FLS) about starting a workplace literacy program to teach English to 30 workers. She wanted to give their employees freedom to pursue their dreams with better communication skills, increased productivity, and a safer environment.
Paula Hernandez and Juana Montes-Hernandez from FLS shared their journey creating an onsite workplace literacy program, their triumphs, and what they've learned.
Watch Video: https://youtu.be/on5lR85wBHo
"Journey to Re-Entry"
"I wish I could go back in time and change my poor decisions but I know that is not possible and the only thing I can do is learn from my mistakes and live with them. That is when I decided to change my life and help others."
- Alejandro Ramirez Gonzalez, Courage Award for Achievement in a Correctional Setting Award Winner 2020
75% of state prison inmates and 69% of local jail inmates did not complete high school in the United States according to the Bureau of Justice. Getting a high school equivalency and further job training cuts recidivism rates in half.
The road to getting this important credential isn’t easy for many justice-involved individuals. Ezi Adesi shares what community members can do to help once they are released from prison. He shares the obstacles they overcome and their determination.
Watch video: https://youtu.be/80voDfPNYf8
"Journey's End"
You've heard powerful stories and learned from experts about how literacy impacts important aspects of everyday life.
Now, hear from Michael Perry, a New York Times bestselling author, humorist, playwright, and radio show host from New Auburn, Wisconsin.
He shares how life experiences shaped him along his journey and the importance of sharing our stories. Learn more about Michael Perry at https://sneezingcow.com/.
As this journey ends, we hope you will continue to help others along their journey to a better future through literacy.
Watch Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUxZaHV_32A