Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Literacy
This course offers supported exploration of the online resource Northstar so that tutors can feel prepared to introduce the curriculum to their students. Tutors will navigate the platform as a student and have time to try out the assessments and online practice. They will also role play teaching with Northstar teacher-led lesson scripts.
Required equipment: You will need to join this training on a computer or laptop. Northstar is not fully compatible with mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). Please note that you may be asked to participate in discussion. Plan to join us from a quiet setting where you can use your audio.
*Wisconsin Literacy members looking to customize this training for a group of tutors can contact
Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Literacy
This course will explain the best practices for teaching digital skills to adults. Concrete examples will be used to illustrate each best practice. Participants will have the opportunity to apply their understanding of the best practices by watching a video and/or role playing.
Required equipment: You can join this training on a computer, smartphone or tablet. Please note that you may be asked to participate in discussion. Plan to join us from a quiet setting where you can use your audio.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Literacy
This course offers supported exploration of the online resource Northstar so that tutors can feel prepared to introduce the curriculum to their students. Tutors will navigate the platform as a student and have time to try out the assessments and online practice. They will also role play teaching with Northstar teacher-led lesson scripts.
Required equipment: You will need to join this training on a computer or laptop. Northstar is not fully compatible with mobile devices (smartphones and tablets). Please note that you may be asked to participate in discussion. Plan to join us from a quiet setting where you can use your audio.
*Wisconsin Literacy members looking to customize this training for a group of tutors can contact
Flippity helps you easily turn a list of vocabulary on a Google Spreadsheet into a set of online flashcards, a memory game, a spelling quiz and other cool stuff! Come learn how to use this online resource to make your teaching more engaging and accessible.
Join Wisconsin Literacy members and staff to discuss The Little Book of Likes: Social Media for Small (and Very Small) Nonprofits.
You can choose between attending this discussion or the discussion on Monday, April 24, 1:00-2:00.
Need the book? Contact your regional staff member for a free copy!
Prerequisite: none
Because it fits better with their busy schedules, some students and tutors are choosing to continue with remote instruction even when in-person is an option again. This course will cover how to set up virtual meetings and invite learners; common features of video conferencing platforms; and best practices for successful remote teaching. You will leave feeling more prepared for your first remote lessons!
Required equipment: Join this training from the device you will use for teaching. Some features of Zoom may not be available on mobile devices, but this can help you empathize with your student’s view. Please note that you may be asked to participate in discussion. Plan to join us from a quiet setting where you can use your audio.
*Wisconsin Literacy members looking to customize this training for a group of tutors can contact
Prerequisite: Introduction to Digital Literacy
This course will explain the best practices for teaching digital skills to adults. Concrete examples will be used to illustrate each best practice. Participants will have the opportunity to apply their understanding of the best practices by watching a video and/or role playing.
Required equipment: You can join this training on a computer, smartphone or tablet. Please note that you may be asked to participate in discussion. Plan to join us from a quiet setting where you can use your audio.
This call is for staff responsible for PR and marketing duties. On this call, you will: talk about the things most important to you, “compare notes” with others who share your role, and gather new ideas to promote your program.
Join Wisconsin Literacy members and staff to discuss The Little Book of Likes: Social Media for Small (and Very Small) Nonprofits.
You can choose between attending this discussion or the discussion on Tuesday, April 18, 10:30-11:30.
Need the book? Contact your regional staff member for a free copy!
Introduction to Digital Literacy
How to Teach Digital Literacy
Tutoring with Northstar (or familiarity with another digital literacy curriculum)
Learning digital skills within the context of language and career goals can be more effective than a stand-alone computer class. This course addresses how to add digital skill instruction to the ELL, adult literacy, GED or citizenship instruction tutors are already doing. Participants will learn how to break down digital literacy curriculum to meet these integration goals. They will create lesson plans and practice teaching them to other participants in the course.
Required equipment: You can join this training on a computer, smartphone or tablet. Please note that you may be asked to participate in discussion. Plan to join us from a quiet setting where you can use your audio.
*Wisconsin Literacy members looking to customize this training for a group of tutors can contact
This call is for staff or volunteers who provide literacy programming in coordination with libraries. On this call, you will: talk about the things most important to you, “Compare notes” with other library directors, and follow up on our last meeting.