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Wisconsin Literacy Events, Trainings, and Workshops

Compassion Resilience

Monday, February 12, 2024
10:00 am11:45 am

Presenter: Hanna Maechtle, Community Learning and Engagement Training Lead, Rogers Behavioral Health

Compassion Fatigue is what you feel when you are continually exposed to the daily witnessing of the challenges that those we work with and serve experience and the complications of any workplace.  Compassion Fatigue includes burnout, secondary trauma, stress, and feeling overwhelmed - all things that are normal for employees to face.  In order to combat this, we work to get to a place of Compassion Resilience - a place of empathy, strength, and hope despite being faced with complexities mentioned before.  In this hour long, interactive presentation, take a deeper look at the cycle of Compassion Fatigue, what drives that fatigue, and begin to explore strategies to put into place that support Compassion Resilience and our own wellbeing through the Compassion Resilience Toolkit.