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Literacy Now

The Roaring 20s – Let’s Roar Back!

A Message from Michele

I remember learning about the Roaring Twenties in history class. A period of dramatic social and political change.

Here we are, a hundred years later with this decade of the 20’s starting off so precariously. We have uncertainty and extreme challenges fueled by a global pandemic, racial injustice, political divide, economic fall-out and climate change.

The greatest periods of personal and professional growth are often a result of difficult circumstances. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

2020 has taught us that during uncertainty, unrest, and dark days, we still can rise

I have witnessed this in the work of our WL/WHL team. We focused on members’ needs for Zoom accounts, Internet hotspots, and professional development for online teaching. We decreased our state’s persistent digital divide among populations that previously had limited experience with online platforms

Our Heath Literacy division immediately created easy-to-read COVID resources and took its Health Online community trainings to a whole new level to be part of a national program supported by the Network of the National Library of Medicine.

Our Board of Directors rose to the challenge with a generous funding match to lead us to our most successful Giving Tuesday ever!

All this happened under times of funding uncertainty, reduced staffing hours and temporary furloughs, and working from home with children and family at arm’s length.

We continue on in this precarious 20’s decade doing what our literacy agencies and adult learners do every day……growing and stretching and building capacity. We are roaring back. I hope you join us and  and raise your voice, time and talents to change lives through literacy! 


Michele Erikson,
Executive Director