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Literacy Now

Adults Can Get Vital Digital Skills Training

“It’s all about helping students find and qualify for jobs that have family sustaining wages.”

Michele Erikson
Executive Director of Wisconsin Literacy 


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital skills are required for access to health, employment, retail, and educational opportunities. Those changes are here to stay and now embedded in the way employers and employees connect.  

As broadband efforts provide increased access and faster connection speeds statewide, there is a significant need for adults with limited literacy and digital skills to have beginning and intermediate digital skills training. 

Thanks to your support, Wisconsin Literacy will team up with the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) to provide more digital skills training to literacy providers and other Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) partners serving adults with low literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy skills. 

These digital literacy trainings will benefit the many adult learners who are challenged to seek out additional workforce services on their own. Through our intra-agency relationships and professional development, we connect local literacy agencies and the adult learners they serve to additional workforce service providers and facilitate training, information sharing and referrals.

As part of this foundational digital literacy training, we will work with DWD’s Bureau of Job Services to develop a statewide training for local literacy providers and other WIOA partners on the access, understanding and use of Job Center of Wisconsin tools.  Our virtual professional development will target local literacy providers, W-2 agencies, WISCAP agencies, librarians, local technical college staff/instructors, job training providers and local workforce development boards. 

For more information on these training opportunities email