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Literacy Now

Improving Alzheimer's and other Dementia Care through Health Literacy

“These sessions have been excellent and the feedback from our participants has been overwhelmingly positive."

- Inclusa


Thanks to the support of Bader Philanthropies, Inc., Wisconsin Health Literacy (WHL) staff facilitated trainings and expanded the number of Alzheimer’s and Early Dementia workshops to new county and community partners that work with aging populations to align health literacy approaches to caregivers. 

We started with 3 onsite trainings, but switched to the online platform, Zoom, during the COVID-19 pandemic. We kept participants engaged, encouraging participants to unmute and ask questions as well as use the chat feature. We also used polling questions to engage participants in the content.  Last, breakout rooms were used to allow participants to practice hands-on skills, such as the teach-back method, and allow for participant interaction.

From the 18 total trainings, we reached:

  • 179 professionals and caregivers in live workshops. 
  • 17 new community partners. 
  • 14 new counties.

Participants practiced different communication strategies during the training and based on feedback from the 90-day post survey, 87% felt that as a result of attending this workshop they have made changes in communicating with individuals with dementia and these changes have improved the individuals understanding of health information.  

For more information on this project, go to