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Online Donations

Why should we start accepting donations online?

Simply put, more people are doing it. It is commonplace for people to conduct transactions online. This is the same for making contributions to nonprofits. 

Another reason to start accepting online donations is that donors who give online tend to give larger gifts.

Why would online donations be larger than other donations? 

  • People who give online tend to be more affluent.
  • Online giving taps into the idea of “impulse giving.” You know how those items in a grocery store are strategically placed on either side of you at the checkout? That’s impulse buying.

    People will often donate immediately when you have a button on your website tempting them to “Donate Now!”
  • Online donations can be paid over time. Donors are putting their donations on a debit or credit card, so it may be easier for them to make a larger donation that they can pay off over time. 

My organization can’t process credit cards.  How do we work around that?

There are third-party vendors that process credit cards for a set-up fee and a percentage of the donation. Higher-end services may also charge a monthly fee and a transaction fee. Work with your board to decide what your organization needs and can afford. 


A list of third-party vendors and their fees:

“A Four-Step Process for Online Donations by Credit Card” by Marc Lee:

“Online Donation Engine Providers” by Marc Lee: