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Logos and Identities

Developing a logo can be a tedious process. It can also be expensive if you hire a graphic designer. 

You can also check with your local technical college or university.  A college art or marketing class might help you develop your logo as a way to give their students practical experience. 

When you develop or redesign your logo, take your time.  Consider all of the details carefully, and make sure you are completely happy with the final product.  Your logo will represent your agency to the community. 

Look at your potential logo and ask:

  • Does it illustrate who we are and what we do at a glance?
  • Does anyone else have a similar logo that could be mistaken for it?   
  • Is it appropriate for our service population? Too cartoonish?
  • What is the first thing that strikes you when you look at it?
  • Is it culturally appropriate to the different populations we serve?
  • What do learners, volunteers, staff, stakeholders and unconnected community members think of it? 

Once you have your logo, maintain its integrity. Keep it consistent to build instant recognition in your community.

  • Know which Pantone color was used to create it. (Pantone numbers are numbers assigned to a huge spectrum of colors used by printers.) When you know the Pantone number, your ink color will be exactly the same each time you print your logo.  
  • Web designers cannot use Pantone colors because appearance of online images depends on the monitor quality of each Web user. Even the best Web designers pick an approximate color. 
  • Do not compromise your logo by changing its color each season. 
  • Don’t use your logo as a bullet point, page marker or in any other way that diminishes its importance. 
  • Place it in the same location on your newsletter, brochures and other marketing pieces. No one should have to hunt for your identity.

Follow these rule when you are using someone else’s logo (i.e., United Way, Wisconsin Literacy or a business partner). Follow their guidelines exactly. When in doubt, ask.