Volunteer Management Resources
Energize, Inc. (www.energizeinc.com)
Site maintained by Susan Ellis, an internationally known author, speaker and consultant on volunteer management.
E-Volunteerism (www.e-volunteerism.com)
Fee-based electronic journal written by leading experts in the field of volunteer management; comes out quarterly; $45/year; interactive component for discussing articles; access to all past articles.
Free Management Library, “Developing and Managing Volunteer Programs”(https://managementhelp.org/staffing/volunteers.htm)
Written by Carter McNamara, an internationally known expert in nonprofit capacity building; also links to many articles on Internet; very comprehensive look at volunteer management.
Points of Light Foundation (www.pointsoflight.org)
Go to their “Resources” section (link on top of the page) for great articles on many aspects of volunteer management; some articles are restricted to members only.
Sterling Volunteers ebook Enhancing the Volunteer Lifecycle
Reading List:
The Volunteer Recruitment (And Membership Development) Book by Susan J. Ellis
Leading the Way to Successful Volunteer Involvement: Practical Tools for Busy Executives by Betty B. Stallings with Susan J. Ellis
365 Ideas for Recruiting, Retaining, Motivating, and Rewarding Your Volunteers: A Complete Guide for Nonprofit Organizations by Sunny Fader