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Workforce Development

The Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment (CWI)

The Governor's Council on Workforce Investment (CWI) is the federally-mandated entity under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) that assists the governor in developing innovative and dynamic approaches to develop Wisconsin's workforce. The Council is charged with aiding Wisconsin employers in finding the workers they need and providing resources to enable workers to access training for in-demand careers with the ultimate goal of moving Wisconsin's economy forward. Members include a majority of business leaders, as well as state legislators and local elected officials, representatives from educational institutions, community-based organizations, and labor representatives from throughout the state.

WL’s Executive Director serves on this council. A number of tips from WL’s involvement in this council are included in the Tips for Connecting with Your Workforce Partners section of this document. At the time of the writing of this Tool-kit, The CWI is determining new strategic priorities for Wisconsin’s workforce for 2018-2022.  You can find the completed strategic plan at the link above.

Other DET Programs: Local literacy programs often serve individuals who participate in other DET programs. A complete list of all the DET programs that your leaners may qualify for are here: