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Volunteer Management

Volunteer Management Resources

Charity Village (
Site set up for Canada’s nonprofit community, but the resources there have information that is very applicable to US nonprofits; includes a variety of items    related to current events, resources, quick guides and online seminars that you can take for an additional fee.

Energize, Inc. (
Site maintained by Susan Ellis, an internationally known author, speaker and consultant on volunteer management.

E-Volunteerism (
Fee-based electronic journal written by leading experts in the field of volunteer management; comes out quarterly; $45/year; interactive component for discussing articles; access to all past articles.

Free Management Library, “Developing and Managing Volunteer Programs”(
Written by Carter McNamara, an internationally known expert in nonprofit capacity building; also links to many articles on Internet; very comprehensive look at volunteer management.

Points of Light Foundation (
Go to their “Resources” section (link on top of the page) for great articles on many aspects of volunteer management; some articles are restricted to members only. (
Project of the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs of the University of Texas at Austin.