Meet Elin from Fox Valley Literacy

Elin Noe Perez worked on the processing line at a meat packaging facility for ten years. The work started to affect his health, particularly the use of his hands. Although he tried to interview for a promotion, he was nervous and struggled with English, his second language.
Then, he decided to improve his English and study for his U.S. Citizenship at Fox Valley Literacy. His wife said “everything changed” after that decision.
Only a year later, he interviewed for a managerial position without any translation assistance and got the promotion. Now, he trains others and travels for his work with the company.
Elin also passed his U.S. citizenship test and interview. He will vote for the first time this year.
Although life with COVID-19 is extremely busy with his daughters at home and his work, he intends to develop his literacy skills to keep growing in his job and to help his kids with homework as they get older.
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