Meet Lindsay Hyland from Literacy Council of Green County

For 22 years, Lindsay Hyland has been an integral part of the Literacy Council of Green County. She shared her many skills with hundreds of learners and beyond to others connected to the Spanish speaking community in Monroe, Wisconsin.
When a match needs extra guidance on how to proceed, Lindsay is the go to person. As a tutor and mentor, she offers her knowledge freely, with humility. She never wants recognition of the numerous hours she invested in building stronger and better lives through the English language. Her heart is larger than most.
Lindsay says, "It has been an extremely rewarding experience for me to have the opportunity to meet so many wonderful individuals and families who have become a very important part of my life and have given me so much love and joy. I admire the way these friends work very hard and faithfully attend classes to learn more."
Lindsay has achieved and mastered what many of us hope for -- to be accepted and loved for who we are.
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