Meet Maria from Fox Valley Literacy Council

Maria Ollarvez moved to America from Venezuela in 2016 with little knowledge of the English language. While she waited for a tutor, Maria went to the Fox Valley Technical College for English classes. She also attended conversation circles at Fox Valley Literacy Council so she could practice and stay engaged.
It was through Fox Valley Literacy Council’s English language learning program that she got connected with her tutor Cassie Nelton and in three months developed the language skills needed to land a job at Miller Electric Company. Her efforts have been fruitful not only for her but also for her tutor. Nelton finds tutoring a rewarding experience. “I’ve had exposure to different cultures in a new way - it’s helped my understanding of the world,” said Nelton.
When asked what Maria would say to someone considering tutoring, she responded, “Make the decision now, knowing that you are not just helping one person but a whole family!”