Meet Nubia

Nubia Torres immigrated from Mexico to the USA with her husband and kids in 2016. Her husband relocated here with a work visa, for a business project with one of the biggest manufacturing companies in Wisconsin.
For a few years, Nubia was a stay-at-home mom, though she was always motivated to explore her own employment opportunities. Nubia holds a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering and is a research-oriented professional, eager to provide research work and lab testing for a local company.
Soon after her arrival, Nubia enrolled in ELL classes and tutoring at the Winnebago Area Literacy Council. She demonstrated a good grasp of the English language, as one of her goals was to significantly improve her conversational English.
Time went by, kids grew up, and Nubia felt ready to start working on her employability skills. She enrolled in the Road to Work Program in 2021 and started working with the Vocational Services Director on her job readiness skills, focusing on her specific goal of preparing for job interviews.
In one-to-one sessions, Nubia learned how to:
- write a resume,
- write cover letters, and
- apply for jobs on-line.
The process of honing her interviewing skills is challenging but enjoyable for Nubia: “It’s hard to overcome anxiety, but I am not going to give up.”
She is truly happy to have this opportunity to prepare her for future employment.
Currently, she has sent out five job applications, has two interviews scheduled, and is working more closely with the Engineering Department at Mercury Marine.
Nubia says that even if the interviews do not lead to her ideal job right away, she will be happy to have the experience under her belt. “It helps me understand American work culture better. In addition, I need this practice because I want to perform well in my interviews and discuss my qualifications with the employer in good English”, says Nubia.
We wish Nubia good luck on her way to success!