In this free 60-minute workshop, learn health literacy communication and support strategies that improve the health care and caregiving for those with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Go to the program page to select the date and time that work for you!
Enjoy professional development from the warmth of your home or office with a week-long webinar series for staff, volunteers, and board of directors.
Vaccination is a critical tool for containing the virus and minimizing the adverse impact of COVID-19. WHL recognizes that community-based organizations and trusted messengers are in the best position to promote acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among marginalized and underserved communities.
This funding award seeks to engage community-based organizations to help remove barriers to and promote acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination for communities that have and do face barriers to accessing medical care and people who have historical mistrust of the medical community and vaccines.
Engage your program in digital literacy initiatives across the state.
Presenters: Chris Stark and Gail Huycke from UW-Madison Division of Extension
Chris Stark is a Community and Economic Development Educator for UW-Madison, Division of Extension. Based in Eagle River, Stark serves the Economic Development Administration University Center Team, which has a statewide purview and is also assigned to Forest County in northern Wisconsin. His primary efforts have been under the umbrella of economic development with special emphasis on workforce development issues in rural areas and researching best practices in getting broadband infrastructure in rural areas. At present, he is working with the Wisconsin Digital Equity and Inclusion Stakeholders Group, in an effort to get affordable broadband to all citizens of Wisconsin and to help deploy teachers to teach digital skills necessary to help residents to be able to utilize their connectivity.
Gail Huycke is a professor with the University of Wisconsin Madison Division of Extension. Gail's work with Extension has spanned almost 38 years where she has worked in both family and community development. In 2015 Gail transitioned to a Community Development Broadband Specialist role with Extension. As a statewide specialist she works communities to build broadband access and adoption. She works with communities to develop strong community planning and networking as they work to expand broadband. Her adoption work has included development and training for Connecting Aging Communities and Tech Changemakers. As part of the National Digital Extension Education Team, she has developed curriculum and training for broadband access and adoption. Gail currently serves on the Governor's Task Force on Broadband Access.