The Health Literacy Summit is the Midwest's largest health literacy summit. You will hear from respected experts in the field covering the following tracks:
Digital Health Literacy
Health Insurance Literacy
Health Equity and Social Justice
Health Literacy in Communities
The Summit includes over 75 presenters and 20 different breakout workshops offering evidence-based interventions. They will share the challenges they faced, what they learned, and how they continue to improve health communication.
Join us for a networking call about Tracking Employee Time for Grants. Come prepared to share how you are currently tracking employee time and your challenges.

This virtual workshop is for any adult in the community. Participants will learn about diabetes and the signs of prediabetes.
Join Wisconsin Literacy for a GED Networking Call
• Wednesday, April 27
1:00-2:00 pm
• Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEuduyqrzgjEtSnmEJZcCnmhefKCXVT97VW
Connect with GED programs statewide to discuss:
• program design & structure
• materials
• learner recruitment and retention
• instructor recruitment
• best practices
• challenges
We look forward to talking this spring!

This virtual workshop is for any adult in the community. Participants will learn how to more safely and effectively use prescription pain medicines.