Volunteer Management Forms
Collect the following documents before a volunteer begins:
Volunteer Application
“The Volunteer Application Form” by Susan J. Ellis and Katherine Noyes Campbell is a good guide for what to include in your volunteer application. www.energizeinc.com/art/apro.html.
Volunteer/Agency Agreement or Volunteer Contract
Volunteers must understand and agree to time commitments, performance expectations and agency policies before they begin volunteering.
Confidentiality Agreement
This can be included in the Volunteer/Agency Agreement if it’s highlighted and stressed. Otherwise, it can be a separate document.
Permission form to conduct a criminal background check
Ask volunteers to check a box, giving their permission for a background check, when they sign the Volunteer Application.
This can be part of the Volunteer Application or a separate form. Ask prospective volunteers about their preferences to ensure a positive experience that will last:
- schedule (days/times)
- location (general area or a particular public place; NOT in the home of tutor or learner)
- allergies or sensitivities (smells, for example)
- learner gender
- open-ended question, “Is there anything else we should consider when matching you with a learner/project?” Volunteers can note special skills, required accommodations, etc.
Collect the following information throughout the volunteer commitment:
Volunteer Hours
Communication/Activity Log
Track dates and important conversations or activities (matched with a learner, assigned a project, etc). Also note concerns and the reason the volunteer left. These notes are helpful when volunteers return years later.
Monthly Tutor Report (for tutors):
- month
- tutor and learner names
- changes in tutor or learner contact info (name, address, phone, email)
- hours of instruction
- tutor prep hours
- successes/competencies achieved
- challenges
- changes to the match
- scheduled absences
- support needed
- suggested topics for tutor in-services
List “completing the Monthly Tutor Report on time” as a requirement in the Volunteer Position Description and the Volunteer/Agency Agreement. Include why this data is important, the exact due date (the 5th of every month), and the consequences for not submitting regular reports (not allowed to tutor any longer).
File all Monthly Tutor Reports in the learner’s file. If the current match ends, these reports will help the new tutor.
Collect the following documents when a volunteer leaves:
Exit Survey
Ask for feedback on the volunteer experience.
- Was your volunteer experience what you expected?
- Did you feel welcomed and valued by staff?
- Did you receive enough training and support?
- Did you have the materials and supplies you needed?
- What was the best part of your experience?
- How can we improve the volunteer experience?
- Why did you decide to stop volunteering?
- Would you like to continue receiving our newsletter?
Update the Communication/Activity Log with the date and reason the volunteer stopped. If the volunteer was a tutor, remember to update the learner’s file as well