Literacy Council of Green County: Passion for Literacy

The Literacy Council of Green County’s (LCGC) warmth and sense of commitment to their community is palpable; you feel it when you walk through their doors or attend one of their events. LCGC tutors, board members, and learners form lifelong friendships beyond simply learning English and improving basic literacy skills. They share in each other’s lives and cultures.
LCGC board members, tutors, and staff bring passion to the work they do in the community as well as to each tutoring session. The dedication doesn’t stop when learners achieve their goals. The council continues support of students who have earned their GED, continued their college education, become US-Citizens and engaged more in their community.
Perhaps no one knows better the importance of literacy than Karin Monzón Krimmer, Executive Director of Literacy Council of Green County (LCGC). Karin began her journey at LCGC as a learner. She says that literacy not only strengthened her community bonds but also empowered her to use what she learned as a student to help others.
“As our world faces new challenges each day, we are constantly in awe of the resilience and generosity of our community,” shared Karin.
The pandemic forced LCGC to move programming online and to find innovative ways to stay connected. The LCGC community collaborated as they adapted curriculum to meet the needs of students and the demands of remote learning.
Wisconsin Literacy (WL) and Beth Gaytan, Southwest/South Central Regional Literacy Consultant, support these initiatives with instructional materials, professional development for tutors and staff, and opportunities to network with like agencies facing similar challenges.
Karin says, “Continuing education opens the door to more opportunities for immigrants, both career-wise and in personal development, and in turn that enriches the local communities of which they are a part.” Karin is a living example of the power of literacy.