Advocate for Literacy

COVID Relief for Community Literacy!
Ask Governor Evers to designate COVID-19 stimulus funding to literacy programs.
We need your help to make the case to State leaders.
- Personalize then copy the text from the sample letter.
- Paste it in the contact form for Governor Evers under "Share your opinions with Governor Evers."
- Select "Education" in the Subject drop down menu.
- Select "Support" in the Position drop down menu.
Congress has passed three COVID-19 relief packages. The third package includes funding for governors and State education agencies to support a variety of educational needs, especially those adapting services to students for the COVID-19 pandemic.
We believe that Governor Evers and State agency leadership should direct some of this funding to support adult and family literacy programs, particularly as they make the transition to virtual learning.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
~Margaret Mead
Never underestimate the power of one voice to the right listener!
Wisconsin Literacy encourages its friends, members, and other stakeholders to raise their voices for a more literate Wisconsin.
You can speak to your local, state or federal elected officials and let them know about your involvement with literacy. Whether you are a literacy tutor, student, program director, or just someone who believes literacy is a skill we must invest in more, you can have an impact!
Share your literacy success stories.
Find your local or state representatives and how to reach them.
Follow the links below and enter your address or zip code:
- Your U.S. Senator and Representative:
- Your Wisconsin Senator and Representative:
Your voice matters. Be a literacy advocate and make a difference!