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Wisconsin Health Literacy Staff

  • Executive Director
    Phone: (608) 257-1655 ext. 1

    "I view literacy as the doorway to the rich world of books, stories, and fresh knowledge, enabling me to explore diverse viewpoints, perpetually learn, and foster connections with others. I am excited to contribute to Wisconsin Literacy's work of empowering individuals through the transformative power of literacy!"

  • Health Literacy Director
    Phone: (608) 257-1655 ext. 2

  • Health Literacy Program Director
    Phone: (608) 571-4296

    “Health literacy is key to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life. It is a privilege to be able to work on projects that help people take action to protect their health and the health of their families.”

  • Vaccine Community Outreach Project Manager
    Phone: (608) 257-1655

    "To live well, people need health information that is clear, accurate and aligned with their values. I’m interested in all the details that make this goal possible."

  • Vaccine Community Outreach
    Northwest Regional Specialist
    Phone: (715) 721-4828

    “The ability to help people overcome barriers and helping to assist them in making informed choices about their health is more important than ever. Education is the forefront to slowing the spread of COVID-19, and having opportunity to get easy to understand, reliable information into people’s hands is something that I am honored to be doing.”

  • Vaccine Community Outreach
    Southwest Regional Specialist
    Phone: (608) 501-3438

    "I’m excited to be a part of the team here at WHL in helping to connect with our communities and bridging the informational gaps regarding vaccines."

  • Vaccine Community Outreach
    Southeast Regional Specialist
    Phone: (414) 410-9882

    "The reason this work is so important is because there are several factors that create challenges to vaccination such as education, income, gaps in health access, transportation, poor neighborhoods, mistrust and misinformation around COVID vaccines. I would like to help individuals overcome these challenges. You only have one you so you must take good care of your health. Too many have died from this deadly virus so I must do everything I can to slow down its spread and possibly save lives."

Click here for a full list of all Wisconsin Literacy staff.