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Wisconsin Literacy Events, Trainings, and Workshops

February 2025

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Tuesday, February 4, 2025
1:00 pm2:00 pm

Feel free to invite others from your agency.

Monday, February 17, 2025Friday, February 21, 2025

More details to come!

Monday, February 17, 2025
1:30 pm2:30 pm

Presenter: Dr. Joe Sanfelippo, Author

“I’m just..." It’s a phrase we hear all the time. I’m just a teacher, I’m just a paraprofessional, I’m just a custodian….the list is long and is often followed by reasons something CAN’T happen. Leadership is an action and it starts with you. Leading with INTENTION creates purpose. Leading with CONNECTION creates momentum. Leading with DIRECTION creates collective efficacy. Leading with all three in mind will build your capacity and foster an environment where everyone in your organization has the best opportunity to lead from where they are.

Recording not available for this session.

Monday, February 17, 2025
3:00 pm4:00 pm

Presenter: Karin Bates, Intercambio

What happens when we re-frame the concept of cultural competence and instead find an approach that incorporates constant learning, curiosity and appreciation for differences, and the desire to question our own beliefs and biases? While cultural competence is important to develop in ourselves as ESOL teachers and administrators, it falls short of what is truly needed. When we incorporate cultural humility, we can begin to break down power imbalances, understand our own biases, build more authentic cross-cultural connections, and communicate more effectively across language barriers.

In this workshop, we explore what cultural humility means, how to practice it, and the impacts of building cultural humility on student learning. We will explore these ideas with the help of specific concepts, tools, and examples. For anyone interested in advancing their journey around equity, this topic is foundational.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025
11:00 am12:15 pm

Presenter: Claudette Session, AEL Department of Region 5 Education Service Center in Beaumont, TX

This fun, hands-on breakout will provide participants with ready-to-use scaffolds for developing the reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills of beginning and low-literacy ELLs. Attendees will participate in simulations of how to effectively use these tools in both face-to-face and virtual classes. Come one, come all!

Recording not available for this session.

Presenters: Harleen Kochar, Nevins Library in Massachusetts and Liliane McFarlane, Neighborhood House of Milwaukee's International Learning Program

Learn how your program can use conversation circles and computer labs to engage English Language Learners in meaningful activities right away.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025
3:00 pm4:30 pm

Presenter: Ann Beeson, New Readers Press

3 – 3:25 pm is News for You Online – a refresher or introduction. Audience: all tutors, instructors, and students to build reading skills using current news articles.

3:30 – 4:30 pm is New Readers Press Online Learning and DCS GED Prep Online. New Readers Press Online Learning’s Audience—For students and tutors, especially those preparing for the GED Test with reading levels 6-12, and building skills when assessing using the TABE test. The DCS GED Prep is for students preparing for the GED Test with reading levels 9-12, in both English and Spanish.

Presenter: Anna DeNicolo, DeNicolo Consulting

Program administrators working in low-budget environments often hear the suggestion, “why don’t you just get a volunteer?” Not so fast! Volunteers can make a big difference – as long as organizations do their homework first.

This session will help participants do that homework. The most effective volunteer programs fulfill both organizational needs and volunteer needs. In an interactive session, we will ask ourselves: What are our specific needs that volunteers can fill? What is our current capacity to set volunteers up for success? What are volunteers looking for, and what will help them stay with us?

In this session, a long-time program administrator will lead an interactive session highlighting the importance of planning and communication in volunteer programs, and learn how they can implement the three keys to volunteer retention.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
11:00 am12:00 pm

Panelists: Jennifer Peterson, Literacy Network, Sarah Mankowski-Lathrum, Hanan Refugees Relief Group, Dawn Lueck, Literacy Chippewa Valley
Presenter: Jamie Kobs, Wisconsin Literacy

Part 1: Hear from a panel of Wisconsin Literacy members about authentic writing projects they have created for their students.

Part 2: Learn about The Change Agent, an online magazine by and for adult learners. This resource is free to all Wisconsin Literacy members. Students can submit writing February-May, 2025!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
1:00 pm2:00 pm

Presenter: Jamie Kobs, Wisconsin Literacy

Digital skills are essential for full participation in today's world, and all adult learners deserve opportunities to learn them. But how do we make time for them, and which skills should we teach? In this session, we'll discuss two approaches to integration and share resources for building digital skill routines into your lessons.

Presenter: Melissa Quinn, Bellin Health

Attracting learners, tutors and donors is a tall task most days – how can we invite them to engage with us? How can we make it easy if we only have a small amount of time? Learn the best and easiest ways to create a compelling story that invites audiences to take action and get involved. Understand how both data and logic as well as a powerful emotional connection to your organization can ignite people’s passion for literacy!

Friday, February 21, 2025
9:30 am10:30 am

Presenters: Anna Bierer and Jamie Kobs, Wisconsin Literacy

Learn about
• Best practices for using AI in your classroom or office
• Checking for bias and accuracy
• Protecting privacy
• And what to do when AI doesn’t get it right!
This is an interactive session. You may be asked to unmute and speak or to use the chat feature in the meeting.

Presenters: Marsha Connet and Shannon Mason-Young, Wisconsin Literacy

Join us and share your favorite book or two! Discover new authors and titles to add to your book pile for 2025. Treat yourself to an hour of great conversation and recommendations. This is your opportunity to relax and chat with fellow book lovers.

Recording is not available for this session.

Friday, February 21, 2025
12:30 pm1:30 pm

Presenter: Rob Podlasek, Literacy Minnesota

Everyone loves learning vocabulary! But while it is fun to learn to words, it is just as important that students have lots of opportunities to review and use the words they've learned. Come explore three types of fun activities you can integrate into your tutoring session to help learners move towards vocabulary mastery.