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Health Literacy and Consumer Engagement Project

Health Literacy and Consumer Engagement Project

Wisconsin Health Literacy (WHL) and two partner organizations worked on a project to help consumers participate more in health care decisions and more effectively use health care services.

With funding through the Wisconsin Health Information Organization (WHIO), WHL partnered with Covering Wisconsin to implement this two-year project, which ended in May 2016.  The goals were to help consumers:

  1. Become more aware of various informational resources to support their health care decisions
  2. Gain better understanding of health care quality and costs
  3. Enhance decision-making processes as they make their health insurance plan and provider selection, and healthcare utilization decisions

The project also strengthened healthcare providers and health insurers in supporting consumers in their emerging role as active partners.

The project focused on three primary messages prepared by WHIO for consumers about their health care:

  1. You have a role to play in getting good health care and good health.
  2. The quality of health care varies in important way that will affect your health.
  3. Your choice of primary provider is very important to your healthcare experience and your health.

Through developing and testing a panel of materials, teaching techniques, resources and data, this project helped develop an effective set of tools and practices for organizations of many types to help consumers achieve their best possible health through increased knowledge and skills.

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