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Let's Talk About Opioid

Let’s Talk About Opioids

Wisconsin Health Literacy (WHL) partnered with 5 justice-involved facilities to develop a curriculum to help justice-involved individuals understand the risks of opioid overdose upon release from prison or parole, as well as resources available for alternate treatment. 

WHL had originally planned to implement 4 workshops with each partner as follows: 1st workshop: WHL presents and a corrections' facilitator (inmate, facility/staff educator, or volunteer observes); 2nd workshop: WHL and corrections' facilitator co-present; 3rd workshop: Corrections’ facilitator presents and WHL staff observes and offers feedback; and 4th workshop: Corrections’ facilitator independently presents this and any future workshops.

However, due to COVID-19, the workshops could not be presented in the facilities. WHL pivoted and created new delivery methods that could be used now, including a train-the-trainer webinar and self-guided learning materials.

Download Let's Talk About Opioids toolkit.

Funding was provided by Wisconsin Department of Health Services Minority Health Program.

Please contact us for more information.

Note: These materials were developed for use in Wisconsin. Some content like the Good Samaritan Law may not be applicable to other states.  


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