Let’s Talk About Preventing Diabetes

Approximately 34 million Americans have diabetes and 90-95% of them have Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes may be prevented by changing eating habits and creating an exercise routine.
The Let’s Talk About Preventing Diabetes workshop is a 60-minute interactive program designed to help participants prevent diabetes, learn about the condition, and how to recognize signs and symptoms.
WHL partnered with community organizations across the state to deliver workshops on the following topics:
- Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
- Difference between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
- Risk factors for diabetes
- Symptoms of diabetes
- Damage diabetes can do to the body
- Prediabetes vs diabetes
- Steps to prevent diabetes
- Help from health insurance
Funding was provided by Security Health Plan.
This program is no longer grant funded. WHL may be able to provide programming for a fee. Please contact us for more information.
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